Last I checked, there were 234 names on the online petition requesting government intervention to save the Boissiere House. If you haven't signed yet, please consider doing it now. It takes mere seconds.
On the main SBH page: links to Andre Bagoo's article in today's Newsday and very neat "Save the Boissiere House" badges, designed by Georgia Popplewell, which you can use on your website or blog. They look like this:

So you've forwarded the website URL to your friends; signed the petition; what else can you do? There's a whole list of suggestions here. Getting media coverage is essential. If you have five minutes to spare, why not call the newsroom of one of the daily papers and ask them to run a story on the house, its architectural importance, and the danger it's in?
Trinidad Guardian: 868-623-8871
Trinidad Express: 868-623-1711
Newsday: 868-623-4929
Better yet, write a letter to the editor. You don't need paper or postage stamp. Just send an email to:
Trinidad Guardian: letters@ttol.co.tt
Trinidad Express: express@trinidadexpress.com
Newsday: online form at http://newsday.co.tt/letterform/
It doesn't have to be a long epistle--the papers like short letters. Just include these key points:
1. the Boissiere House is an architectural treasure and a major landmark, one of just twenty-five buildings identified by the National Trust as worthy of protection
2. it is on the market and in serious danger of being bought by a developer who will demolish it
3. to avert this tragedy, you urge the government to acquire the house and preserve it, and to fast-track the approval of the National Heritage List, which will afford the house legal protection; also you urge the owners of the house to postpone the sale until this "listing" takes place
Most important of all, keep spreading the word that the house is in danger. That's the only way we can build up the critical mass of concerned people it will take to save the Boissiere House.
Saw you on the news this morning. Keep on fighting!!
Continue fighting the good fight brother!
I hear and have read the concerns, but public support will never reach politician's mind-changing numbers until a "fair price" is quoted.
That initail sale-price came across as greed in the public's mind, I dare say.
Preserving history does not have a 'by any means necessary' tag attached to it.
The price is just too high. Aand don't even think about comparing its cost to the Prime Minister's residence or the monorail.
Because the public are and were against both.
I am a relative of Vernon de Boissiere. He was my grandfather.
I live in Canada and,
I will be in Trinidad in May. I will continue to check the net for all the info on saving the Gingerbread House. Keep up you valued good work...... Thank you
I would like to contact Heather who made the last comment. Heather - I believe your grandfather Vernon married Hilda High. Hilda was my fathers 2nd cousin. I hope to hear from you, my email is edorward gmail.com
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