
Friday, February 15, 2008

Boissiere House update

If you're concerned about the possible demolition of 12 Queen's Park West, the Boissiere House, visit, which has just gone live--there you'll find information about this historic building, a list of things you can do to help save it, and an online petition. Please forward this link to anyone who may be interested.

Also check out this very informative post on Sharon Millar's blog, which explains Trinidad and Tobago's National Trust legislation and the long process of getting a building legally protected. The Boissiere House is on a list of twenty-five key buildings identified by the National Trust for the National Heritage List, but certain legal procedures must be fulfilled before the list is made official (and the house is legally protected). There are efforts underway to fast-track the listing of the Boissiere House, since it is under urgent threat. What can we do to put pressure on the Ministry of Culture to get this done?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually I have been reading a few blogs and just being out there I see most educated people share the same opinion that this cause stems from a bunch of people who are not really aware of what a true cause is.
Maybe if the House was really significant outside the family many would agree.