
Sunday, July 12, 2009

A week in the life: 6 to 12 July, 2009

Read: Vahni Capildeo's new book of poems, Undraining Sea

Re-read: The Rings of Saturn, by W.G. Sebald (very slowly)

Discovered: a wonderful blog devoted to Sebald, called Vertigo

Wrote: emails; many notes to myself

Listened: to misc. ragas played by Ravi Shankar; Vivaldi's cello concertos

Scanned: some old Carnival photos from c. 1950 that I turned up while spring-cleaning last week

Downloaded: the special Erotic Art Week issue of Draconian Switch

Went: to hear Glen Beadon give a talk about the history of railways in Trinidad, at the National Library

Ate: lots of pasta; an aloo dosa; käsespätzle cooked by Brian and Natalie; utterly addictive stroopwafels brought back from Amsterdam by Georgia

Drank: lots of coffee and Jamaican ginger tea; one delicious Negroni, American style (straight up)

Desired: a cocktail shaker

Suffered: an awful day-long headache; a mild cold

1 comment:

hbynoe said...

thanks for sharing those incredible spring cleaning finds. I am so interested in seeing how mas and community functioned back then. I have been meaning to read "rings of saturn" for quite some time but i am still treading through Diaz's "Oscar Wao" what a delight it has been so far.