
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Keith Smith: "Lloyd Best is gone and we are all alone now."

George Lamming: "His politics was the name of an intellectual culture."


Danielle L. Scott said...

Hey Nicholas,

Don't know if you remember me but your sister and I were pretty close in prep school and I found myself at your house in Vic quite a bit. I stumbled across your blog (I have my own at and found it very interesting that we share the same profession (kind of)

Anyway, thought I'd say hi and major props on keeping up a blog for 3+ years! I launched mine a couple months ago and I really enjoy the freedom. As a journalist, it's unchartered territory to write about yourself so I've found it terrifying and exhilarating all in one.

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Trip to Roriama.

I want details !!

Fellow Trini. ( email was bounced)